Register Now for the World PRE Championship & the Various ANCCE Cups
The following competitions will be held at SICAB 2023:
- World Conformation Championship for PRE Stallions and Mares
- ANCCE Cup Final for Dressage
- ANCCE Cup Final for Doma Vaquera
- ANCCE Cup Final for Spanish High School
- ANCCE Cup Final for Working Equitation
- ANCCE Cup Final for Show Jumping
- ANCCE Cup Final for Carriage Driving
- Traditional Carriage Driving Competition
- ANCCE Cup Final for Side Saddle Riding
- Exhibition Competition
This newsletter provides information for each discipline, including the entry fees, date for the reception of horses, prize money, etc.
- Conformation, Exhibition & all other ANCCE Cup disciplines: entries may be presented as of Tuesday, October 3rd, at 9 am.
- Deadline for ALL ENTRIES: Thursday, November 9th until 6:59 pm. (GMT+)
- Deadline for rank shifting: as of Thursday, November 9th at 7 pm (GMT+1) until Tuesday, November 14th at 6:59 pm (GMT+1)
- Post-deadline for Exhibition horses: as of Thursday, November 9th at 7:00 pm until Tuesday, November 14th at 6:59 pm. (GMT+1)
The entry period for Conformation, Exhibition Horses, ANCCE Cup for Dressage and all other disciplines has been consolidated.
IMPORTANT: Any and all horses that have qualified previously, but that fail to send in their entry form BEFORE Thursday, November 9th at 6.59 pm. SHALL LOSE THEIR CONSIDERATION AS QUALIFIED. Rank shifting will then be implemented for Conformation as well as for the ANCCE Cup rankings for Dressage, Doma Vaquera, Spanish High School, and Working Equitation.
The various sections/levels will be completed, or not, depending on the timetables, availability of arenas, etc.
Full-Fledged Members: €160
Associate Members: €220
Non-members: €350
Full-Fledged Members: €160
Associate Members: €210
Non-members: €400
Post-deadline entries: €450
ANCCE Cup for Dressage – Dressage Juniors:
Full-Fledged Members: €150
All other participants: €200
ANCCE Cup for Carriage Driving:
Full-Fledged Members: 4-in-hand: €300, Pairs: €200, Singles: €150
Non-members: 4-in-hand: €350, Pairs: €250, Singles: €200
ANCCE Cup for Doma Vaquera, Spanish High School, Working Equitation, Show Jumping and Side Saddle Riding:
Full-Fledged Members: €125
All other Participants: €160
Exhibition Competition:
First two horses: €130
As of the third horse: €120
Tack-Room Stall
Full-fledged Members: €220
All other participants: €320
*These stalls are subject to availability.
Tack-Room Construction Shed
Full-fledged Members: €450
All other participants: €550
Important: Under no circumstance are the Organizers responsible for theft, whether in a tack-room stall or shed. Please be careful and supervise your belongings at all times.
Breeders who wish to lease a construction shed as a tack-room will need to make a €150 security deposit is charged, which is not included in the basic fee. This deposit will cover any possible damages to the shed.
Once SICAB concludes and upon verification of the sheds, the deposit will be returned. Nevertheless, should damages exceed the €150 deposit, these will be invoiced by the service provider to the lessee.
There a limited number of sheds, so you are encouraged to reserve one well in advance.
Remember that 21% VAT will be applied on all fees indicated herein, whether for the entry of horses or to lease a stall or construction shed. (The only exception is the security deposit.)
Payment of Entries: All entries are considered confirmed once payment has been received. There are several payment options: Bank transfer, in cash (€999 maximum), by credit card using the PRE Stud Book online system or the secure payment gateway indicated below:
[WEB] ANCCE Payment Gateway
*Once the deadline has been reached, amounts paid will not be reimbursed under any circumstance.
Conformation Entries: It is OBLIGATORY that you present your entry for SICAB 2023 online from the Breeder’s Private Zone on the PRE Stud Book website:
The application of rank shifting will be applied as indicated in Appendix IV of the Competition Rules & Regulations.
Entries for the ANCCE Cup for Dressage and other Disciplines: You may present your entry using the SICAB 2023 online entry form. Go to the Private Zone for breeders on the PRE Stud Book web site at, or, if you prefer, you may download the PDF entry form provided below.
[PDF] PDF Entry Form
Please remember that there are a maximum number of participants for each test, as is indicated in the various 2023 ANCCE Cup Rules & Regulations for each individual discipline, and as stated in the Preliminary Program.
Entries due to Rank Shifting
The Conformation, Dressage and the various ANCCE Cup Competitions: In this case, only those entries presented using a specifically created form will be attended. Payment is not due until that horse’s place in the competition has been confirmed.
The status of all entries with the application of the rank shifting for the various sections/levels will be uploaded and updates in real time on the official SICAB web site at
Entries for Exhibition Horses:
A maximum number of horses has been established for exhibition. The Organizing Committee will confirm whether or not your entry form has been accepted, and always based on the available space.
Horses for exhibition, owned by Full-fledged members of ANCCE, will be granted preference. The same holds true for those horses participating in any of the various disciplines included at SICAB.
The novelty this year is that there are specific rules for each exhibition horse that must be complied with. Recently published, these mandates are obligatory for the smooth running of the Trade Fair, and to meet with all safety measures.
Initial Reception of Horses:
Sunday, the 26th of November (from 12 noon until 8 pm)
Monday the 27th of November (from 9:30 am until 8 pm)
- Conformation and Exposition
- Dressage (4, 5, 6 and 7-year-olds)
- Show Jumping
- Side Saddle Riding
Second Reception of Horses for Other Disciplines
Wednesday, the 29th of November (from 9:30 am until 1:30 pm)
- Dressage (Prix St. Georges, Grand Prix and Juniors)
- Working Equitation
- Doma Vaquera
- Spanish High School
- Carriage Driving
- Exhibition Competition
Due to the fact that the Latin Grammy Awards will take place at the same venue, set-up times for this year’s edition are very precise. Therefore, UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES will horses be allowed on the grounds on Saturday, the 25th of November.
Remember that on Sunday, the 26th of November, the reception of horses begins at 12 noon. Please organize your travel time to comply with the established timetable.
Documents to be presented:
Original and photocopy of the PRE Passport and Official Veterinarian Certificate indicating disinfection in origin, as well as compliance with all other 2023 Health and Welfare Specifications. Provide the travel guide, as may be the case.
Departure of Horses:
Departure is on Sunday, the 3rd of December, as of 7 pm. The only exception is with the approval of the Organizing Committee and the official competition veterinarian.
All horses must leave SICAB 2023 grounds before 1:00 pm on Monday, the 4th of December. As of that point in time, Organizing Committee is no longer responsible for the safety and security of any horses still on the grounds.
ANCCE Cup for Dressage:
4-year-olds: Preliminary and Final for 4-year-olds
5-year-olds: Preliminary and Final for 5-year-olds
6-year-olds: Preliminary and Final for 6-year-olds
7-year-olds: Preliminary and Final for 7-year-olds
Prix St. Georges: St. Georges & Kür Intermediate I
Grand Prix: Grand Prix & Kür Grand Prix
All ANCCE Cup for Dressage prize money in the categories for 4, 5, 6, and 7-year olds, Prix St. Georges and Grand Prix are as indicated below:
1st | €1.050 |
2nd | €810 |
3rd | €540 |
4th | €360 |
5th | €300 |
*For further information, please consult the SICAB web site.
ANCCE Cup for Dressage Juniors:
U12 (Alevin): Teams & individuals
U14 (Infantil): Teams & individuals
U18 (Juveniles 0*): Teams & individuals
U18 (Juveniles 1*): Teams & individuals
U21 (Young Riders): Teams & individuals
Competitions for Juniors offer no monetary reward.
*For more detailed information, please consult the SICAB web site.
ANCCE Cup for Doma Vaquera:
In compliance with the 2023 ANCCE Cup for Doma Vaquera Rules & Regulations, preference will be granted to the top five (5) entries presented for each level on the 2023 ANCCE Cup ranking.
Should any of the qualified horses fail to present its entry on time for this Final, said horse will lose its status as qualified in favor of the horses presenting ANCCE with its entry form, whether or not said horse qualified..
4-year-old horses: Exercise sheet for 4-year-olds
5-year-old horses: Exercise sheet for 5-year-olds
6-year-old horses: Exercise sheet for 6-year-olds
Intermediate 7-year-old horses and older: Intermediate exercise sheet.
Absolute Level: Exercise sheet for experienced 7-year-old or older, and Special Grand Prix for 7-year-olds and older.
4-year-old Horses | 5-year-old Horses | 6-year-old Horses | Intermediate Level | Absolut Level | |
1st | €200 | €250 | €300 | €500 | €600 |
2nd | €150 | €200 | €250 | €400 | €500 |
3rd | €100 | €150 | €200 | €300 | €400 |
The Champion of the ANCCE Cup Final for Doma Vaquera in each category will be the horse with the highest number of points earned upon tallying the points on each day of competition, following the qualification criteria indicated in Spain’s Royal Equestrian Federation Rules for Doma Vaquera.
* For further information, please consult the SICAB web site.
ANCCE Cup for Spanish High School:
In compliance with the 2023 ANCCE Cup Rules for Spanish High School, preference will be granted to the entries of the first five (5) horses with the highest number of points, except in the Long Rein level. In this case, the first three (3) horses will be considered the finalists.
Should any of the qualified horses fail to present its entry for this Final on time, said horse will lose its status as qualified in favor of the horses presenting ANCCE with its entry form, whether or not said horse qualified.
In any case, to participate in the ANCCE Cup Final, all horses must have participated in at least one (1) competition throughout the season.
Day 1
Young Horses - Technique
Medium Level - Technique
Intermediate - Technique
Advanced - Technique
Superior - Technique
Long Reins I
Day 2
Young Horses - Kür (Freestyle)
Medium Level – Kür (Freestyle)
Intermediate Level - Kür (Freestyle)
Advanced Level - Kür (Freestyle)
Superior Level - Kür (Freestyle)
Long Reins II
The Champion of the ANCCE Cup Final for Spanish High School in each category will be the horse with the highest number of points earned on each day of competition, following the qualification criteria indicated in Spain’s Royal Equestrian Federation Rules for Spanish High School.
Young Horses | Medium | Intermediate | Advanced | Superior | Long Reins | |
1st | €300 | €300 | €350 | €350 | €400 | €300 |
2nd | €200 | €200 | €250 | €250 | €300 | €200 |
3rd | €100 | €100 | €200 | €200 | €250 | €100 |
Clarification Note: In this discipline, under age riders WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED, in keeping with the Rules and Regulations of Spain’s Royal Equestrian Federation.
* For further information, please consult the SICAB web site.
ANCCE Cup for Working Equitation:
In keeping with the 2023 ANCCE Cup Working Equitation Rules, preference will be granted to the six (6) horses entered that have the highest accumulative score in the Senior categories. In the Junior Categories, the top four (4) in each level will qualify.
In any case, to participate in the ANCCE Cup Final, participants must have competed at one (1) competition throughout the season.
Day 1: Dressage
Day 2: Ease of Handing & Speed
Day 3: Herding Cattle
The Champion in each category of the ANCCE Cup Final for Working Equitation will be the horse with the highest number of points earned from each task.
Novice | Intermediate | Advanced | |
1st | €300 | €350 | €500 |
2nd | €200 | €250 | €300 |
3rd | €100 | €200 | €250 |
Juniors and Juveniles receive no monetary awards.
* For further information, please consult the SICAB web site.
ANCCE Cup for Show Jumping:
There are two (2) test categories.
- Juniors: U12 (Alevines) and U14 (Infantiles). This test is for riders in the categories indicated (U12 and U14) but their participation has no economic award; they appear in the first places of the starting order.
- Open: any rider may participate, including juniors.
Juniors | Open | |
1st day | 0.80 m | 1.10 m |
2nd day | 1.00 m | 1.20 m |
The daily tests are judged using the A scale with a chronometer. For the final classification, all points from both tests will be tallied. In the case of tied points once both days have been tallied for the five (5) top places of the Open category or the top three of the Junior categories, there is a timed play-off on the second day.
* For further information, please consult the SICAB web site.
Awards for the Open
1st | €600 |
2nd | €500 |
3rd | €400 |
4th | €350 |
5th | €300 |
Juniors participating in the Open are not eligible for monetary awards. The tests for Juniors have no economic prizes.
Awards are granted at the Victory Ceremony upon conclusion on the second day, with the horses in the competition arena. In the case of the Open, the top three (3) winners and the top three (3) in the category for Juniors together with all of the junior participants shall be at the ceremony in the arena.
Horses participating in Show Jumping must leave the SICAB grounds on Wednesday, the 29th of November once the competition has concluded.
ANCCE Cup for Carriage Driving:
For the Combined Carriage Driving Competition, contestants may enter as Singles, Pairs and 4-in-hand.
Singles | Pairs | 4-in-Hand | |
1st | €600 | €1050 | €1450 |
2nd | €400 | €750 | €1050 |
3rd | €300 | €350 | €650 |
* For further information, please consult the SICAB web site.
ANCCE Cup for Traditional Carriage Driving:
The entry for this category is free of charge, as stalls are not used. As was the case at previous editions, the reception of horses and carriages for these horses is in the truck/trailer parking lot, right behind Pavilion 3. Once the event concludes, participants shall leave the grounds.
All participants must have their valid Federation License or have Liability Insurance.
To enter this category, you contact and specify it in the space for observations: TRADICION (Traditional Carriage Driving).
* For further information, please consult the SICAB web site.
Exhibition Competition:
There are a maximum number of exhibition places. The Organizing Committee may or may not accept the entry of horse/s due to availability of arenas.
Exhibition presentations are open and may cover any sport or artistic category. The duration must not surpass six (6) minutes. A brief explanation of the performances shall be provided on the entry form, as well as the music to be used.
All participants must have a valid Federation License or have Liability Insurance (A copy of the policy must be sent to ANCCE in advance).
1st | €1000 |
2nd | €800 |
3rd | €600 |
4th | €400 |
5th | €250 |
ANCCE Cup for Side Saddle Riding:
Side Saddle riders may use any one of the following styles: Vaquera, Spanish High School or Dressage. There are two (2) levels in each category. The classification is based on levels. Participation is open to any age group, whether horse or rider.
This test shall be held and Awards granted if and when there are at least three (3) side saddle riders entered in a given category.
Side Saddle Dressage
Level: Promotion 1
Level: Promotion 2
Level: Promotion 3
Side Saddle Spanish High School
Level: Kür Medium
Level: Kür Intermediate
Side Saddle Doma Vaquera
Level: U12 (Alevin)
Level: U14 (Infantil)
Authorized Mouthpiece in each level is indicated on each exercise sheet.
Side-Saddle | 1st | 2nd | |
Doma Vaquera | U12 | €150 | €100 |
U14 | €150 | €100 | |
Dressage | Promotion 1 | €150 | €100 |
Promotion 2 | €150 | €100 | |
Promotion 3 | €150 | €100 | |
Spanish High School | Kür Medium | €150 | €100 |
Kür Intermediate | €150 | €100 |
Monetary Awards
Whatever the discipline may be, the economic award is understood by the Organizers to be gross earnings. Therefore, any and all withholdings or deductions will be applied to all monetary awards, as stated by the laws of Spain.
Next to...
This year, if you so desire, you may request that your horses’ boxes be located next to a given stud farm. Requests must be presented using the form provided below.
[WEB] Next to Form
*IMPORTANT*: SICAB organizers will try to attend all requests received; however, it is physically impossible to comply with each and every request.
As is customary, participating owners may purchase hard feed, oats, hay, alfalfa, straw and shavings. The initial bedding is provided free of charge.
Federation License
All participants, whatever the discipline, both horse and rider must have a valid Federation License. In those cases in which the contestants are from the region of Andalusia, a valid Regional License is enough. Contestants from outside the region of Andalusia must have a National License.
Staying Overnight at SICAB
Sleeping overnight on the SICAB 2023 grounds is PROHIBITED. Vehicles prepared for sleeping, or campers must park in the outdoor parking area. There are not electrical, water or waste connection services for such vehicles.
Life Insurance
Please remember that the organizers of SICAB do not provide life insurance for horses. Keep this in mind.
Liability Insurance
All horses participating in the Conformation Competition and the Exposition of horses shall pay ten euros (€10) for liability insurance. This amount is generated automatically when presenting the entry form on the PRE Stud Book web site. Later, the insurance company generates the policy for each horse entered on these two categories.
Emergency Veterinarian Services
In the case of emergency equine care, any costs derived from travel and assistance by the veterinarian clinic contracted by the organizers shall be paid for by the owner of said horse.
Lastly, remember that to enter a horse, receive breeder documentation, reserve a stand or participate in any way in SICAB 2023, you must be in good standing with ANCCE and be up to date with all financial obligations.
Jaime Molina Fernández de los Ríos
Director General