• 11/03/2020

    Rules for the 2021 SICAB International PRE Trade Fair Painted Poster Contest

    ANCCE, the National Purebred Spanish Horse Breeders’ Association summons this contest to select the poster that will announce the 2021 edition of the International Purebred Spanish Horse Trade Fair (SICAB)

    First - Participants

    This event is open to all artists who are at least eighteen (18) years of age, whether from Spain or abroad, who are interested in participating, either as an individual or as a team.
    Each participant may present ONE WORK OF ART.

    Second – Topic, technical characteristics, legend and motto
    A. Topic:
    The topic of the artwork must consider the event it is announcing: the Purebred Spanish Horse International Trade Fair (SICAB) and Purebred Spanish Horses.

    All artwork must be original and unpublished; said artwork shall not have been presented at any other competition and shall not be a copy, whether in full or in part, nor plagiarized of published works, whether that of the artist or other artists. The author of said artwork is responsible before ANCCE and any third party, in compliance with the Rules, as established herein.

    All artwork shall seek to provide high impact advertising. Artwork must be truly eye-catching—the final objective of a poster for such an event—as is SICAB.

    B. Technical Characteristics:
    The technique used shall be determined by the artist (oil paint, acrylic, mixed, etc.) with no touch-ups being allowed by any means, including digital techniques or photographic reproductions. Artwork may be executed on canvas or rigid support, but in both cases, mounted on a frame. A vertical format must be used, measuring 100 x 70 cm. Likewise, a standard frame measuring 100 x 73 cm may also be used.

    The author shall not include any logo or anagram on his/her work, but shall take into consideration the fact that the organizers shall include ANCCE and SICAB anagrams. ANCCE also reserves the right to incorporate other brand names and/or logos of possible sponsors and/or collaborators and reproduce the following texts:
    SICAB 2021 - Salón Internacional del Caballo (International PRE Trade Fair) - Sevilla - Campeonato del Mundo del Caballo PRE (World PRE Championships) – venue dates.

    C. Motto:
    On the back of the artwork, a motto shall be included to identify the author until the Judges have decided a winner.

    Third - Awards
    The following awards have been established:
    €3000 for First Place.
    €1000 for each of the honorable mentions.
    All award money is subject to the corresponding tax discounts as established by the laws of Spain.

    Fourth - Presentation
    4.1 - Phase one: Selection
    Participants shall upload their exclusive artwork onto the platform Mundoarti, in addition to filling out the entry form with all of the necessary personal information.

    [WEB] Platform

    The deadline for this initial phase is Tuesday, September 15, 2020, at 2 pm (in Spain/CET).

    The ANCCE Press and Promotional Department shall select the preliminary works of art that continue on to the final phase.

    4.2- Final Phase
    After the initial pre-selection phase, ANCCE and Mundo Arti shall contact all finalists so that they may then send their original format, delivered personally, by mail or courier to the main ANCCE office: Cortijo de Cuarto (Viejo) s/n, 41014, Sevilla (from Monday to Friday, between 9 am and 2 pm), as indicated in Section B of these Contest Rules. The deadline for this is Friday, the 6th of November, 2020 at 2 pm (CET).

    All artwork must be carefully packaged for shipping and include a closed envelope containing the full name of the author/s of said work, ID or passport number, full address, phone number, email address and a signed affidavit stating that the work presented is original and unpublished. The title of the artwork shall appear on the outside of that closed envelope, in capital letters, with that title also appearing on the back of the artwork. No other indication shall appear that might identify the contestant; any indication that could remotely identify the author disqualifies the author/s due to failure to comply with Contest rules. All shipping costs shall be covered by the contestant.

    Fifth - Judges of the Final Phase
    1. The selection and granting of the awards shall be performed by a panel of judges appointed by ANCCE, and shall include the following members::
    Mr. José Juan Morales Fernandez, President of ANCCE
    Mr. Carlos Bohórquez Domecq, President of the ANCCE Press and Promotional Commission
    Ms. Isabel de León Borrero, Marchioness of Meritos, President of the Royal Academy of Fine Arts of Saint Isabel of Hungary
    Ms. Magdalena Haurie Vigné, Galeria Haurie (Art Gallery)
    Mr. Juan Fernández Lacomba, painter and art historian.
    Mr. Antonino Parrilla García, painter and sculptor.
    Mr. Juan Ruesga Navarro, architect and set designer.

    2. The judges shall meet to decide the winner. First of all, they shall verify that each and every work of art selected as a finalist meets all mandates established by these rules, after which, the winner will be announced.

    3. When considering the winning artwork, the Judges shall take into consideration its conception in addition to its graphic or artistic quality, it effectiveness in announcing or informing about the event and the reproducibility of the work.

    4. The Judges may declare the Contest Null and Void should they consider that none of the artwork is worthy of reward.

    5. The Judges’ decision is final in all cases. The contestants, by participating in this Contest, specifically renounce presenting any claim against the decisions reached by the judges before any jurisdiction or court of law.

    6. The Judges shall inform the ANCCE Board of Directors about their decision.

    Sixth - The Judges’ Decision
    The winner shall be announced within ten (10) work days as of the deadline for the presentation of artwork, on all official ANCCE means of communication, including communiques, webs, social networks and instant messenger platforms, with the corresponding notification being sent to the winners.

    Seventh – Winning Artwork
    1. For all legal purposes, the winning artwork shall be considered owned by and property of ANCCE and may be used to announce the event in question or any other announcement at a later date, for promotional purposes as deemed appropriate and with specific mention of the author/s.

    2. ANCCE reserves the right to introduce changes in the award-winning poster should a technical difficulty arise when printing, or to include a text or logotype that may not initially appear in these Contest Rules.

    Eighth - Works Without Award
    1. Artwork that has not earned an award may be collected by the owner or returned COD to the rightful owner upon request to ines.parias@ancce.com at the main ANCCE office, located at Cortijo de Cuarto (Viejo) 41014, Sevilla, once the Contest has concluded, and within fifteen (15) days after the winner has been announced.

    2. If, within the time period indicated above, it is understood that the author/s renounces ownership in favor of ANCCE, who may destroy or make use of it as deemed convenient or appropriate.

    Ninth – Publicity
    1. The summons and Contest Rules shall be published on the web platform www.mundoarti.com and on ANCCE digital channels.

    Tenth – Final Rules
    1. The fact that you, as a contestant, participate in this Contest implies knowing, understanding and accepting these Contest Rules. As such, you may not refute nor appeal said Rules once the presentation of artwork has been formalized.

    2. The corresponding authority, as would be the case, has the power to solve any doubts that may arise and that have not been specified in these Rules to reach the necessary agreements for the smooth running of this Contest.

    3. With regards to the authorship of the poster and possible plagiarism, the organizers shall not be held responsible; any and all claims that may arise are the sole responsibility of the author/s

  • Source — ANCCE — 11/03/2020
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