• 29/02/2024

    The PRE Stud Book and Molecular Genetics Laboratory: Committed to Quality

    Second annual follow-up audit for its Quality Management System Certification

    Recently, both the PRE Stud Book office (LG PRE ANCCE) and its Molecular Genetics Laboratory underwent the second annual follow-up audit for its Quality Management System Certification. This Audis verifies the implementation of all requirements specified in the UNE-EN ISO 9001:2015 reference standard. Having been audited annually since 2010, no events of non-compliance were found. 
    The System’s review and verification process was performed by AENOR. Their auditing team pointed out, among other aspects, “The important consolidation of the Quality Management System implemented over the years, as well as the extraordinary degree of involvement on behalf of both the Management and staff in maintaining it”.
    With this latest compliance assessment, the Royal Purebred Spanish Horse Breeders’ Association has proven its precision and solid commitment to quality. Its focus is on developing the best possible management model to move forward with the many services provided to Purebred Spanish Horse breeders the world over.

  • Source — ANCCE — 29/02/2024