LG PRE Stud Book offers free registration for the progeny of Young Recommended Breeding Stock
ANCCE, within the scope of the PRE Breeding Program activities, and to promote Young Recommended Breeding Horses—to genetically test them through their descendants—will continue to promote their usage throughout 2023.
Remember that this measure is none other than the Free Registration in the LG PRE Stud Book of all progeny of Young Recommended Breeding Horses for all Full-fledged Members of ANCCE. This option is applicable to those requests for Registration (Request for Service 103) and that paid for that service in 2022 and 2023 and for Full-fledged Members of ANCCE (and who are in good standing with all membership fees). Past due-date registrations (Request for Service 127) are not eligible for this promotion. Initially, the Registration (Request for Service 103) must be paid for once the proposed parent has been confirmed as compatible with the proposed Young Recommended Breeding Stallion/Mare, in which case, the registration fee will be returned or set aside (to be decided by the breeder) in the favor of that breeder for future use, and applicable for other PRE Stud Book services, as may be needed by that stud farm. The only exception would be specific promotional services. Incompatibility resolutions (Request for Service 504) are not subject to promotion.
The link provided below offers a complete list of Young Recommended Breeding Horses eligible for this measure:
[PDF] List of Young Recommended Breeding Horses eligible for this measure
The idea behind this measure is to provide continuity over time. As this year concludes, the full list of Young Recommended Breeding Horses will be published in the 2023 Breeding Stock Catalog. Therefore, the progeny of these horses may be registered free of charge in the LG PRE Stud Book throughout 2024.
Therefore, breeders are encouraged to test their Young Recommended Breeding Horses through their descendants. This is the best way to verify that the genetic qualities and traits seen in the parents are transmitted to the next generation.
Furthermore, we would like to emphasize that in recent years, the PRE Breeding Program has, for the most part, focused on Dressage, as it is the discipline with the largest PRE participation population. This fact facilitates genetic assessments; however, we are currently studying the possibility of including other equestrian sports such as Working Equitation and Spanish High School. Even Conformation is being considered, as it would improve PRE market options while at the same time providing breeders with the possibility of choosing those horses that transmit good characteristics for the various disciplines and breed according to individual preferences.
Developing a Breeding Program requires a significant number of horses participating in the various tests used for the performance tests so that the genetic values obtained are sufficiently reliable. That is why ANCCE encourages breeders to participate with their horses in the various tests carried out to collect data for the PRE Breeding Program.