• 28/05/2020

    Executive Committee Agreements (May 2020 – 2nd Session)

    Due to the current situation caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, the ANCCE Executive Committee approved the possibility that full-fledged ANCCE membership fees may be paid in two payments. This decision was approved at the meeting held this past Tuesday. Under no circumstance would the surcharge contemplated in the by-laws be implemented on payments made after the month of May.

    This option is not mandatory for breeders preferring to make a single payment, nor does it affect those who have already paid this year’s membership.

    Two installments have been established at €240 each. Payments are to be made in June and October. Any one of the payment options listed below may be used:

    - In cash.
    - Bank transfer to ANCCE’s account with CAJA RURAL DEL SUR bank, whose IBAN is: ES22 3187 0812 8010 9498 7227.
    - Credit Card: provide credit card number and expiration date of said care to inmasegura@ancce.com.
    - Direct debit into your bank account, if and when you as the breeder provides his/her bank account (IBAN) number.*

    * Direct debit is only applicable to national members. If you prefer this option and are located in Spain, click on the link below to download and fill out the necessary form:

    [PDF] SEPA Direct Debit Order

    Should you have any doubts, please email the Membership Office at inmasegura@ancce.com

  • Source — ANCCE — 28/05/2020
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