• 09/11/2017

    Take advantage of these last few days to advertise on the official International PRE Horse Trade Fair online TV

    At last year’s edition, the TV platform was viewed by 380,000 people from 92 countries, thanks to 80 hours of live broadcasts and 900 on-demand videos. For a limited time only, SICAB TV offers you a 20% discount on the current fees.

    SICAB TV, the online TV platform providing official coverage of the International Purebred Spanish Horse Trade Fair, will, within a few days, have reached the deadline for this year’s advertising campaign. Take advantage this last minute, 20% on all current fees.

    SICAB’s online television channel will once again provide ample and specialized coverage of the events unfolding at the 2017 International PRE Trade Fair. Thus, it will become the number 1 channel to follow the competitions and shows from anywhere in the world.

    The success of SICAB TV can be seen in the statistics and shares registered by ANCCE since it was created. Last year, in 2016, SICAB TV was watched by 380,000 spectators from 92 countries, who enjoyed 80 hours of live broadcasts. Also, 900 on-demand videos were made available to viewers.

    Viewer profile includes business people, national and international breeders, riders and general horse enthusiasts. In addition to Spain, the main geographic areas covered were Mexico, the United States, France, Italy, Germany and Holland.

    We invite you to participate in this successful internationalization of SICAB by means of SICAB TV. Should you need a more detailed offer, tailored to your needs and strategic objectives, contact the ANCCE Press office at prensa@ancce.com or call +34 954 689 260 (option 2).

    SICAB TV Publicity Dossier

  • Source — ANCCE — 09/11/2017