• 15/03/2017

    ANCCE member and breeder Nahman Andic Ermay, 2016 Gold Horse Award

    The jury acknowledges his efforts as the owner of Purebred Spanish stallions and mares born and bred in Jerez

    Yesterday afternoon, Mamen Sánchez, Mayor of Jerez, presided over the meeting of the jury that annually grants the Gold Horse Award. This year, that honor goes to a member of ANCCE who is a breeder and owner of Yeguada Andic, Nahman Andic Ermay.

    It was back in the 80s when Andic first saw Jerez and the surrounding area; he was attracted by the Spanish horses that the city exported throughout the world. He chose three essential brands to begin his breeding adventure: Yeguada Militar, Miguel Bohórquez and Romero Benítez. By combining these three bloodlines Yeguada Andic has come to be considered one of the most defined PRE stud farms focused on producing horses that are suitable for top-level competition.

    The decision to grant this award—delivered during the Jerez Horse Fair, at the Military Breeding Station—was deliberated yesterday by the jury. Members of the jury include Mayor Mamen Sánchez, as president; Francisco Camas and Laura Álvarez who are deputy mayors; Ignacio Santiago Maeztu, a technician from the Provincial Tourist Board; Esperanza Lobato Parra as the representative in Cadiz for Spain’s Royal Equestrian Federation; ANCCE general manager Jaime Molina Fernández de los Ríos; Carlos Javier Escribano Mora, president of Yeguada de la Cartuja Hierro del Bocado; Juan Carlos Camas, director of the Royal Andalusian School of Equestrian Art; Jerez Military Stud Farm Lieutenant Colonel Antonio Gómez Pascual, and Delfín Gómez Espinosa de los Monteros, a freely chosen member.
  • Source — ANCCE — 15/03/2017