[PDF] Competition Request Form 2024      AVAILABLE    
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[PDF] Competition Rules & Regulations 2024 - ANCCE Cup for Dressage

[PDF] Request 30% reimbursement for Full-Fledged ANCCE members
This reimbursement is done for Full-Fledged ANCCE members participating in CDN 3* and CDN 2*. CDI's are exempt from making this reimbursement in 2024.


1. General Disposition

For the 2024 ANCCE Cup competition season and the final to be held at SICAB, there shall be a prior qualification round which shall be reached by tallying up the results earned at the Dressage competitions included on the ANCCE Cup calendar. The scoring criteria and qualification shall follow the provisions established herein.

The ANCCE Cup Final shall be held annually at SICAB, on the programmed dates. To qualify, International Dressage Competitions (CDI), National Competitions, CDN and PSCJ (Young Horse Selection Tests) are approved as qualifiers for the “ANCCE Cup” as established by these Rules and Regulations.

2. Requirements for the ANCCE Cup Competitions

All 2024 ANCCE Cup competitions must be undertaken in keeping with the Rules and Regulations of this text, in addition to the provisions, depending on the category, of the International Equestrian Federation and Spain’s Royal Equestrian Federation Competition Rules or the Competition Rules for the Young Horse Selection Tests (ANCCE Young Horse Selection).

These competitions may be any one of the following categories: International (CDI), National (National Championships, 3-star CDN or 2-star CDN) or the ANCCE Young Horse Selection Tests (PSCJ), which may have a duration of one, two or three days.

CDI and CDN events shall be considered “Open” (for all types of horses) and the Organizing Committee (OC) of said events, as may be required, must obtain the approval of the Preliminary Program from the corresponding Federation/s (FEI or National Federations, as may be the case). This requirement is not applicable for the Young Horse Selection Tests, which are governed by Specific Rules for the Young Horse Selection Test for Dressage; these score being for the levels of four, five, six and seven-year-old horses.

CDI Competitions held outside Spain are qualifies for the ANCCE Cup, if and when the results are received at the ANCCE Office within a maximum of seven (7) days once the event has concluded, to maintain the ANCCE Cup for Dressage ranking updated. In this case, the last qualification date is the 6th of October (2024).

All International Dressage Competitions held in Spain, as well as Spain’s National Championship, are qualifiers for the ANCCE Cup. For everyone's knowledge, the preliminary competition program and poster shall state that these are ANCCE Cup events.

All Organizing Committees (OC) must accept all PRE Horses, if and when the entry has been formalized correctly, within the established deadline and sufficiently in advance.

Only the Official Tests at each competition shall be calculated. At 2-star CDN (National Dressage Competitions), the highest level eligible for qualification shall be Intermediate I, and Grand Prix in those cases in which it appears in the scheduled program as an official test, and when judged by two (2) Level 3 (A) judges. Under no circumstance may Unofficial Tests be considered for the calculation.

Official recognition is essential for a competition to be considered a qualifier for the Final. No request shall be taken into consideration unless it is accompanied by a duly signed letter of commitment, except in the case of CDI Competitions held outside of Spain.

To be considered as a candidate to organize a qualifier competition within the scope of the 2024 ANCCE Cup for Dressage, said OC must present a formal, written request. Said request shall be addressed to the ANCCE Competition Department, Cortijo de Cuarto (Cortijo Viejo), 41014 Sevilla, Spain (APPENDIX II). This requirement shall not be applicable to CDI Competitions held outside of Spain. It is mandatory to be in good standing and up to date with all ANCCE payments.

Organizing Committees must clearly specify and indicated the name “ANCCE Cup” on the poster or in the actual name of the competition.

3. Participation Requirements

Participants in any International and National Competitions considered qualifiers for the ANCCE CUP shall have the corresponding 2024 National Federation Rider’s License (LDN), and the Annual Horse License Registration (LAC) or the old LIC version for national competitions, or the FEI passport. Of course, all PRE participants shall have their Equine ID available at all times.

Participants in the ANCCE Young Horse Selection Tests, qualifiers for the ANCCE Cup, shall have the corresponding annual licenses (LDN or LDT) for both horse and rider. Moreover, all participants shall make their Equine ID and PRE ID available to the OC.

4. Categories and Tests

Each horse, depending on its age and level of training, may compete in the ANCCE Cup in one of the following levels or classes:

- 4-year-olds (Preliminary 4 yrs. - Final 4 yrs.)
- 5-year-olds (Preliminary 5 yrs. - Final 5 yrs.)
- 6-year-olds (Preliminary 6 yrs. - Final 6 yrs.)
- 7-year-olds (Preliminary 7 yrs. - Final 7 yrs.)
- Level Prix St. Georges: 7 yrs. or older (Prix St. Georges / Intermedia I)
- Grand Prix: 8 yrs. or older (Grand Prix / Special Grand Prix)

Categories and Tests for Juniors:

- Alevines (Level 1 test for U-12 riders): Junior riders may participate in this class as of January 1 of the year they turn nine (9) years of age and until December 31 of the year they turn twelve (12) years of age. (U12 Preliminary – U12 Teams – U12 Individual).

- Infantiles (U14/FEI Children): U14 junior riders may participate in this class as of January 1 of the year they turn twelve (12) years of age and until December 31 of the year they turn fourteen (14) years of age. (U14 Preliminary – U14 Teams – U14 Individual).

- Juveniles 0* (Level 3 test for (U18) riders between 16 and 18) (U18/FEI Juniors): Junior riders may participate in this class as of January 1 of the year they turn fourteen (14) years of age and until December 31 of the year they turn eighteen (18) years of age. (U18 0* Preliminary - U18 0* Teams - U18 0* Individual).

- Juveniles* (U18/FEI Juniors): Junior riders may participate in this class as of January 1 of the year they turn fourteen (14) years of age and until December 31 of the year they turn eighteen (18) years of age. (U18*Preliminary - U18*Teams - U18*Individual).

- Young Riders (FEI Young Riders): Junior riders may participate in this class as of January 1 of the year they turn sixteen (16) years of age and until December 31 of the year they turn twenty-one (21) years of age. (Young Riders Preliminary - Young Riders Teams - Young Riders Individual).

5. Classification System

The scores for the ANCCE Cup Final shall be assigned to the horse in each Level or Category, independently of the rider on the horse.

The PRE (Purebred Spanish Horse) proclaimed as the ANCCE Cup Champion shall be the horse with the highest score at each qualifier competition, in each corresponding group, at any of the participations, if and when that horse participates in at least two (2) tests in its level. In such case that the test is freestyle with music (Kür or Freestyle), the average obtained in this test shall not be tallied for the classification, but rather, it shall be the average on the first day that is considered the result for that pair.

The following competition participation incidences are considered for the classification or not for a horse in the ANCCE Cup:

- NO INS:  Horse not entered in the test (DOES NOT QUALIFY)
- RET: Horse participates in the test but withdraws without finishing (QUALIFIES)
- ELIM: Horse that has been eliminated during the test by the judges. (QUALIFIES)
- NP-JUST: Horse does not appear, but the rider provides a written justification for his/her lack of participate (QUALIFIES)
- NP: Horse does participate in test and fails to justify said lack of participation. (DOES NOT QUALIFY)

For a horse to justify its lack of participation, the Organizing Committee must be warned that the horse is unable to enter the arena, in addition to presenting a certificate issued by the official competition veterinarian stating that said horse is unable to enter the arena.

The score system shall be assigned to the total score obtained, based on results and per classification.


The qualification points are granted depending on the number of PRE Horses participating in each age group.  and that have entered the arena to perform the exercise/s for that level.  


The scores per qualification shall have corrective coefficients according to the competition category:

- ANCCE Young Horse Selection Test Final: Coefficient 1.4
- FEI Games and Championships.  as well as International Dressage Competitions and Spain’s National Championship: Coefficient 1.2
- 3-star and 2-star National Dressage Competitions and Young Horse Selection Tests: Coefficient 1.0

6. General Ranking

Horses may participate in as many competitions as desired.
Only the top three best results shall be accounted for (Only one classification per competition).

Any correction in the raking results may take place up to 30 days after the competition is held and upon presenting official documentation justifying said changes. Once the deadline has passed, the results shall be definitive.

7. Qualification System for the Final

At all levels and in all Junior Categories, those horses that have participated in the current year’s Olympic Games, World Equestrian Games, World Young Horses Championship, respective Continental Championships, World Cup Final, in the National Cup at CDIO representing one’s country, or the World Championships for Young Horses shall receive a score of 200 points to be added to one of their three possible qualifying scores.

The fifteen (15) horses with the highest number of points on the ranking for 4, 5, 6, and 7-year-olds shall be considered Finalists for the 2024 ANCCE Cup for Dressage in each level.

In Prix St. Georges and Grand Prix levels, the top 13 horses shall be classified. In case of a tie, the tie shall be decided by the cutoff point following the procedure outlined in the following section.

In the Category for Juniors, the top five (5) shall classify. In the event of a tie, this shall not be broken; rather, all tied horses in 5th place classify.


If there are equal points for the 15th place in the 4, 5, 6, and 7-year-old categories, as well as the 13th place in Prix St. George and Grand Prix levels of the general ranking, the tie shall be broken using the following criteria:

•    The horse with the highest score out of the three (3) taken into consideration for their total on the ranking. 
•    Should the tie persist, the winner shall be the one with the second highest score out of the three scores and so on.
•    Should the tie continue, they shall be considered exiguous.

Example of a tie resolution:
Horse A: 65.600 / 62.550 / 53.500 Total 181.650
Horse B: 65.600 / 60.550 / 55.500 Total 181.650
Horse A should be classified as its second best score (62.550) is higher than Horse B's second best score (60.550).

Exceptionally and for the benefit of the sport and the universalization of the ANCCE Cup.  the ANCCE Sports Commission may also invite horses, whatever their level or category, that have participated in competitions held outside of Spain and that said Commission considers to have sufficient level to participate in the Final. These horses shall occupy an additional place.

8. ANCCE Cup Final

The ANCCE Cup Final shall be held annually at SICAB.

All horses qualified in keeping with the system explained herein may attend.
If any of the horses qualified for the event fails to formalize its entry correctly and on time, the turn shall move on to favor the next qualified horse on the general classification in all categories, with the groups being complete or not, depending of the timetable, availability of arenas.  etc.

To seek a place by means of this system (rank shifting), said horse must be entered before the deadline for this Final, but without payment until the competition place has been finalized.

The tests to be performed at the 2024 ANCCE Cup Final, at the Grand Prix level, shall be those established by the FEI for GRAND PRIX and KÜR GRAND PRIX.

At the Prix St. Georges level.  the tests shall be those established by the FEI for PRIX ST. GEORGES and KÜR INTER I.  All other levels shall be governed by these Rules.

In each category, the champion of the ANCCE CUP FINAL shall be the horse with the highest score resulting from the two-day competition (tallying the averages for the two days and dividing by two).

In the case of a tie in the first three places, the highest score on the second day shall prevail; should the tie persist, then the joint scores or the expectations for future on the second day shall be taken into consideration, as would be the case.

During the ANCCE Cup Final, all horses shall be identified by their bib number, which shall be located in a visible place each time the horse leaves its box.

At the ANCCE Cup Final, on the second day of competition for the 4 to 7-year-old levels, the Judges may comment publically regarding the test performed.

At the ANCCE Cup Final held during SICAB 2024, drug screening shall be performed following the Specific Rules for SICAB 2024.

At the ANCCE Cup Final, an arena clerk/commissioner may be on hand in the warm-up arena to guarantee compliance with all applicable rules and the well-being of all horses.

The ANCCE Cup Final shall grant the Best Breeder Farm for Dressage in compliance with Appendix IV.


1. Present a request before Spain’s Royal Equestrian Federation for the approval of the Preliminary Program, as well as all of the necessary permits to hold a competition. The Preliminary Program for the CDIs must be approved by the FEI. In the case of the ANCCE Young Horse Selection Tests, these shall be approved directly by ANCCE.

2. Specific indication on all competition-related programs that it is included on the "2024 ANCCE Cup for Dressage" calendar.

3. Mandatory contracting of Liability Insurance for the Competition.

4. Full-fledged members of ANCCE shall enjoy a 30% discount on the entry fee and boxes (all other additional services that may be provided by the OC are excluded from this discount) for horses in their name when the entry form is formalized.
If the entry and the reservation of box stalls are formalized directly at the Federation (RFHE), the Organizing Committee shall grant said discount as a subsidy or Special Award.

To enjoy this discount, the entry must be presented properly and on time, and not using last-minute emergency procedures.

The Organizing Committee shall pay for this bonus once the competition has concluded.  The breeder shall lose his/her right to receive this bonus if he/she fails to request it within the thirty (30) days after the celebration of the competition.

5. All horses participating horses in each Group.  as well as their ages shall be verified. COPIES of all Passports for all PRE horses shall be verified and collected to be turned over to the ANCCE Representative. Likewise, the Federation Licenses of both horse and rider shall also be verified.

6. The General Conditions, judging procedure, starting order, and disciplinary measures follow the mandates of Spain’s Royal Equestrian Federation Rules and Regulations, that of National or FEI Rules and Regulations, as would be the case. Under no circumstance may the awards announced in the Preliminary Program be reduced or eliminated.

7. The OC shall pay the registration fee to be included on the ANCCE Cup competition calendar. ANCCE shall invoice the Organization Committees the following amounts:

- €100 + VAT per competition day at 2-star CDN
- €150 + VAT per competition day at 3-star CDN or superior.

In all cases, the 30% bonus shall be applied to Full-fledged members of ANCCE.
Those Organizing Committees that organize more than three (3) ANCCE Cups, in any of its categories in a single season, shall enjoy a 50% reduced rate for the registration fee to be included on the calendar.  as of the fourth (4th) competition.

To better promote PRE Horses, the latest 2024 feature is that those Organizing Committees (OCs) uploading videos and offering live broadcasts of their competition using the ANCCE application need not pay the registration fee to be included on the calendar.

The organization of an ANCCE Cup event shall not be granted to those OC that infringe upon the rights of competitors as specified in these Rules and Regulations, and that at the moment of the request have some type of disciplinary file open and being studied.

The requests to organize an ANCCE CUP competition shall be received before Thursday the 15th of February of 2024. After this date, all requests are considered pending approval by the Dressage Commission.

To be able to request a competition in 2024, all registration fees to be included on the calendar from the previous year must be paid in full.

9. Exceptionally, and due to insular locations, single-day events held on the Balearic and Canary Islands shall be accepted as “ANCCE Cup” CDN competitions.

10. ANCCE Cup qualification dates shall fall between January 1st and the 20th of October, 2024.

For all other aspects not foreseen in these Rules and Regulations, and on the authorized sheet (APPENDIX I), the Field Jury, the ANCCE Representative and the ANCCE Dressage Commission, guided by the General Rules of Spain’s Royal Equestrian Federation, the Dressage Competition Rules by the Royal Equestrian Federation, the Rules for the ANCCE Cup for Dressage, the Young Horse Selection Test Rules (Ministry of Agriculture) and FEI Rules shall decide, as considered appropriate so that the event is a fair as possible.

Best Breeder in the ANCCE Cup for Dressage at SICAB

This award focuses on all breeders and more specifically, those with horses they have bred and that have classified for the ANCCE Cup Final for Dressage.

Only the top ten (10) of each day shall be considered for the award.

There shall be at least two (2) horse/rider pairs per breeder in any of the six (6) classes competing in the ANCCE CUP at SICAB. The participation of each pair shall provide the BREEDER with points as indicated below:

1. Position obtained in each of the tests. The points earned in the classification (place according to the ranking) shall be tallied for the first and second test of its class.

2. Percentage for each of the tests of its class. An average for each day shall be obtained for the various tests.  and based on these averages the pair shall earn the points indicated on the table.





4 and 5-YEAR OLDS 
64%>66%: 0 points 
66%>68%: 1 point 
68%>70%: 2 points 
70%>72%: 3 points
72%>74%: 4 points
74%>76%: 5 points
76%>78%: 8 points
78%>80%: 9 points
And following the same proportion thereafter.

6 and 7-YEAR OLDS  
64%>66%: 2 points
66%>68%: 3 points
68%>70%: 4 points
70%>72%: 5 points
72%>74%: 6 points
74%>76%: 7 points
76%>78%: 8 points
78%>80%: 9 points
And following the same proportion thereafter.

64%>66%: 3 points
66%>68%: 4 points
68%>70%: 5 points
70%>72%: 6 points
72%>74%: 7 points
74%>76%: 8 points
76%>78%: 9 points
78%>80%: 10 points
And following the same proportion thereafter.

The stud farm whose horses have earned the highest score once all points have been tallied shall be granted the Best Breeder in the ANCCE Cup for Dressage at SICAB.  even when none of the horses presented are owned by said stud farm. 


Should there be a tie.  this shall be solved as indicated below: 
- In favor of the Stud Farm with the best classified horses at the highest level. 
- Should the tie persist, due to the fact that the horses in question are tied, favor shall be granted to the stud farm with the highest number of horses competing in the Final. Should the tie persist, the winning stud farm shall be that with a second horse that is best placed at the highest level. 
- The same variables shall be taken into consideration for the stud farm that bred each horse.  as contemplated in the ANCCE Conformation Competition Rules and Regulations.